Why are your employees disengaged? Do these 5 things to find out why (and how to engage them)!

I've talked about engagement being on the decline plenty of times. Depression seems to be at an all-time high, and in a 2018 career poll, 47% of people said they were not getting their desired jobs because they didn't know what they wanted. In a previous blog, we discussed that 67% of employees are disengaged. That comes from a sense of lost hope, belongingness, and meaning.

We often become misaligned with our mission because we spread ourselves too thin or become stressed and unbalanced.

Have you ever had a moment where you feel like your life is going in the wrong direction? Like, everything is fine and all, but something is missing? I'm talking about that feeling where you wake up one morning, look around, and say, "I need to realign with my mission." You know what I mean: suddenly, everything seems off, and it feels like it's not even your life anymore.

If this sounds familiar—welcome! We're in this together. And if not, you should probably get on board with us anyway; there's a lot you could learn to offer insight to others. Below are five ways you can reconnect with your mission and engage more meaning.

1: Make Time

You're busy; I get it. But chances are that if you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed with work, your to-do list is probably getting longer and longer instead of shorter and shorter. If this is the case for you (and I'm sure it is), then the first step towards finding more time in your day is to make time for yourself.

If you don't already have a regular yoga or meditation practice, now would be a good time to start one! Spending just ten minutes each day on self-care will go a long way towards helping you feel better emotionally and mentally—and who doesn't need that? If yoga isn't your thing, try reading poetry aloud while taking long walks through nature or cooking something new from Pinterest every night after work. As long as it helps center yourself in some way without being super taxing on your other responsibilities, schedule those things during those rare moments when nothing else seems important enough to interrupt them!

Another great way to make time for yourself without feeling guilty about doing so would be by scheduling an appointment with someone close who makes you happy just by spending quality face-to-face time with them: whether that's going out for coffee once a week; going out dancing together at least once every couple months at a favorite nightclub, or even going out together once per month any place other than home base!

2: Keep a Journal

Your journal is the perfect tool for reflecting and assessing your progress. It's like a little engine of self-improvement, but even better because it's portable, cheap, and requires no electricity to run.

Keep your journal with you at all times, and fill it with any information that may be useful to your vision of self-improvement:

  • Your daily tasks (and outcomes)
  • Your feelings and emotions (how do I feel at the end of each day?)
  • Your thoughts (what do I think about myself?)
  • Your accomplishments (what did I do that was good?)
  • Your goals (do I have any?)

Allow yourself to revel in your success.

3: Take Breaks and say no

Take regular breaks. Taking breaks from self-improvement is essential because it can be overwhelming and stressful if you try to do too much at once. It's also important to say no sometimes, especially when people ask you for favors that don't align with your vision of self-improvement.

If you're interested in creating a boundary response plan, join our group, and you will receive a link for a free 3-day workshop!

4: Ask for Help

There are people out there who want to help you.

Ask your team: You should be able to count on your colleagues for support. It's easy to forget about the people who work with you every day and have their own lives outside of work, but they might be more aware of how things are going than you realize. They may also have great ideas about realigning yourself with your mission—or at least give you some food for thought.

Ask a mentor: A mentor is someone who has been where you want to go already—someone who can provide wisdom and guidance along the way. They've done it before; they understand what struggles come up when trying something new or unfamiliar (and they might even know exactly how much time it takes). Plus, mentors like helping others succeed! If this sounds like something that would work well for both parties, please ask one today!

Get coached: Coaching involves working with someone who isn't just guiding but almost acting as an accountability partner, whose sole job is making sure those things happen, whatever goals/projects/missions, etc.! If coaching sounds like something that would make sense in this, but one-on-one coaching doesn't make sense right now, join our community for free group coaching, workshops, and training for stress reduction and see your leadership transform!

5: Reframe your thoughts

If you think, "I have no time," that can become your reality. You know our brains are good at finding ways to make us feel like we're not meeting our goals. So, if you're feeling stuck and frustrated, it's time to reframe those thoughts. Instead of thinking, "I have no time," think about how much time you already spend on things that aren't important. If you want to be more productive, ask yourself what goals will improve your life. What do you want from life? And how can any of these things happen in a day or week?

You'll be surprised at what comes up!

Reframing means changing how you think about something—and it's one of the most potent tools in self-mastery. Reframing a situation allows you to get more out of it than if you had initially seen it as negative or challenging. Let me give an example:

I knew someone who was always tired. We will call them John. John would always say they were exhausted at the end of the day and were being short with others. He constantly told them that they were tired and would complain about it. I asked them what they wanted from life, and they said to have a successful business so that they could travel the world. They also wanted to be in good health and live a long life for their children. So I asked them if being exhausted every day was part of getting these things done—or not.

John said it was not, which meant they allowed themselves to be exhausted. They were allowing their body and mind to be tired because they didn't have a plan or strategy for accomplishing their goals. We created a plan to achieve their goals and then took action on that plan. They started by making a list of all the things they wanted to do and then prioritized them based on what was most important, second most important, etc. Then they began taking small steps each day toward accomplishing those goals.

Don't let work get in the way of realigning with your life!

Let's get this out of the way: if you're busy, it's okay! You're a human being, and stuff happens. What matters is how you responded to it. Make take time for yourself and keep a journal! It's not always easy, especially when working long hours on projects that don't align with our values or mission. It can be challenging for many of us to say "no" or ask for help when we need it most. And who wants to have their thoughts reframed anyway?

Here are some ways I've found helpful in realigning myself with my mission when I've had no time:

-Establishing my values

-Finding time for mindfulness and self-care

-Getting outside and exploring nature (or whatever else brings me joy)

-Knowing my purpose

-Setting boundaries

These tips can help you keep your mission at the forefront of your business. And remember, it's okay not to have time for everything—as long as you don't lose track of what matters most to you and your business.

Ready to get your life back? Over the next two months, you will have the opportunity to attend 3-day, forty-five-minute workshops designed to get your life back. The best part? It's gonna cost you nothing.

This workshop will empower you and put you on the right path to get your life back. You will have three red flags pointed out with three exercises to put everything in perspective. After the workshop, you will better understand yourself, what is holding you back, and how you can take immediate action. You will walk away knowing exactly what steps to take so that you are guaranteed success.

Join our group here for the event link.

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