How to increase business revenue and productivity with the positive psychology model PERMA

Employee engagement is out, PERMA is in and it can increase your business sales and revenue!

Positive psychology is a scientific approach to optimizing wellbeing and personal growth. We believe our brains are not hardwired for negativity but rather for positivity. Positive psychology focuses on what makes people thrive and be happy, not just survive or manage negative emotions or circumstances.

The term "positive psychology" was coined by Martin Seligman in 1998 when he created the field of study to complement the existing area of psychology, which deals primarily with mental illness and distress (e.g., depression).

Although most people would probably agree that happiness is essential for their wellbeing, many don't realize how critical it is to their success at work—and even their careers overall! Research shows that positive emotions can help us perform better at work than negative ones.

Positive Psychology doesn't just apply to you as an individual; it also applies to your business! When you use these principles in your workplace culture and strategy, everyone wins: employees become happier at work; clients/customers have higher satisfaction ratings; productivity increases because there's less stress and more meaning; employee turnover decreases because they feel valued, and your company's reputation improves as you become known for being a great place to work. And the company becomes more profitable.

So, how do you make all this happen? Below are some tips to ensure your business is a great place to be at.

It's time to stop wasting your energy on employee engagement because it doesn't work.

I know what you're thinking, "all this blog has talked about is improving employee engagement! Now you're saying this doesn't work?!" Well, yes and no. Employee engagement doesn't work as you've been told it does. It's certainly not a silver bullet that will fix all your problems and make everyone happy at work. Employee engagement is a marketing tactic companies use to make their employees feel like they are part of something special and important. It's an attempt to get them to stay at their jobs for longer than the average tenure.

It's not a new concept. It's been around for decades. Industrial-organizational psychology is the study of how people interact with each other in organizations, and it focuses on things like motivation, engagement, productivity, job satisfaction, and retention. I-O psychology can be ineffective with employee engagement because it doesn't focus on the individual. It focuses on how people interact with each other and their environment. Companies that want to promote employee engagement need to better understand what their employees want.

Now it's important to know that hiring a coach and highering an I-O psychologist are two different approaches to improve business success. A coach will work one-on-one with you to help you achieve your goals. They will ask questions, listen to your answers and offer feedback. Your coach should not tell you what to do but help create sustainable change by drawing on your team's strengths as it is right now—not how they would make things better if they were in charge! An I-O psychologist is different in that they will study your workplace environment and suggest ways to improve it.

Employee engagement is a measure of how happy your employees are at work. The problem is that "happy" is a very subjective term and can mean different things to people—and even the same person at other times. For example, Wouldn't you be more engaged with your boss if they showed appreciation for your work? Or if bosses and coworkers listened to what was essential to each other? What would it mean for your company's bottom line if employees received greater autonomy over how they worked on their projects—and got paid accordingly?

The benefits can be tremendous when employers focus on making their employees happy and happy for what it means to them. From increased productivity to lower turnover and higher customer satisfaction, there are lots of ways that happiness at work can make you a more successful company.

Instead of focusing on employee engagement, focus on PERMA.

Employee engagement is a worker's psychological identification with their job and workplace. It's important because it can improve productivity and innovation in your organization. However, there are other ways to increase employee productivity: positive emotions!

By shifting your focus on PERMA—the positive psychology framework that includes purpose, relationships, growth, and meaning—you can help your employees find meaning in their work. This will lead to increased productivity and higher engagement levels.

Help your employees find their purpose. When people feel they are doing something meaningful and essential, they are more likely to be engaged with their work. Meaning can come from many different sources, such as a passion for helping others or innovatively using your skills. Once you know what drives each employee, you can help them achieve it by providing opportunities for growth and development.

PERMA is a new way to think about working positively together in the workplace.

I was intrigued when I was first introduced to positive psychology and the PERMA model. The more I read and learned about the model, the more I realized that it could be applied to individuals and teams. This is something we should all consider as leaders and managers of people.

PERMA is a new way to think about working positively together in the workplace. It can help you and your team improve productivity, revenue, and employee engagement. The five psychological states that makeup PERMA are:

  • Positive Emotions/Pleasure (Be Happy)
  • Engagement (Be Willing & Find Flow)
  • Relationships (Get Together)
  • Meaning (Do Something That Matters)
  • Accomplishment (Check Your To-Do List and Celebrate).

As you can see, each of these states is important for a healthy and productive work environment. When we achieve all five of them together, it creates a positive cycle that boosts morale and productivity while reducing stress and burnout. In my experience, the best way to start working on your PERMA is by focusing on one or two psychological states simultaneously. It's not necessary to work on all five at once. Start with the one that will most impact your workplace and your team. If you're interested in learning more, contact us here.

A positive mood and motivation will likely increase workplace productivity.

You're more likely to be creative and productive when you're happy. You'll have more energy and enthusiasm, have better memory and recall, and enjoy life more. Your mood can also improve your relationships with others by making you more pleasant to be around.

Some ways to implement PERMA in your workplace:

1. Create a culture that supports positive psychology principles. Make sure your workplace is one where people feel good about themselves, are happy and fulfilled, and are proud of their work.

2. Set clear goals for yourself and your team that will encourage progress towards them every day.

3. Schedule time to relax or have fun so you can recharge your batteries when needed.

Employees will have a greater sense of purpose in their work.

The first step to creating more engagement, meaning, and purpose among your employees is recognizing that their mission and purpose are separate from yours. What does this mean for your employees? It means they have a sense outside of their job, and it is up to you as an employer to help them find it. This can be done by creating a culture that encourages positivity and creativity while giving them the freedom to pursue their passions outside work. Find out more about implementing meaning and purpose here.

You will have more motivated and engaged employees.

PERMA ensures your employees will be motivated and engaged because they will see how their work ties into the greater good. When their values and passions intrinsically inspire them, and you give your employees autonomy over time, they will be much more likely to find fulfilling work they are passionate about. This will also help them feel like they have a purpose outside of work, making them happier in general! This will lead to higher productivity and a better overall work environment that is less stressful and more fun.

PERMA gives a framework for encouraging your employees to be motivated and productive, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue for your business.

If you're looking to increase sales and revenue for your business, you can't go wrong with implementing the PERMA model. It's a simple way to improve motivation and productivity, leading to increased sales and revenue for your business! Remember, your employee's greatest asset is your employees.

To conclude, the PERMA model is a simple way to improve motivation and productivity, leading to increased sales and revenue for your business. PERMA is an exciting new way to think about employee engagement. Instead of focusing on employee engagement, we should concentrate on PERMA. This framework gives us a way to encourage our employees to be motivated and productive, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue for our business.

If you've ever wondered "how to increase business revenue and productivity," and you enjoyed this blog you're in the right place!

A Life of Being is a positive psychology and coaching company that helps people do more, know more, have more and be more.

We blend positive psychology and coaching because we know it provides the best return on investment.

We teach our clients three simple strategies to help them create a positive workplace environment:

1) Develop more self-awareness

2) Focus on strengths instead of weaknesses

3) Create an engaged culture by listening to employees' needs

Please find out more about how to increase your business revenue and productivity the right way heading over to our services page or find immediate help by clicking here.

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